
Is there a book other than Fiqh us-Sunnah by Sayīd Sābiq that is comprehensive, concise and short from which a person is able to advise every questioner with it?”

Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Aal-Shaykh:

Mulakhas al-Fiqhī (Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence) by Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān is very excellent.


Shaykh! How about Bulūghul al-Marām?

Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Aal-Shaykh:

Bulūgh is little bit lengthy. Mulakhas al-Fiqhī is good and very excellent. If you have not read ar-Rawḍ (by al-Buhūtī) and al-Hāshiyah (by ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān ibn Qāsim) then Mulakhas al-Fiqhī is good.