Shaykh Ṣāliḥ ibn Fawzān al-Fawzān
A Muslim must always be engaged in obedience to Allah and in worship of Him ﷻ, maintaining his performance of the obligatory duties and leaving off unlawful deeds – during Ramaḍān and also during other periods. Some people strive in Ramaḍān but when Ramaḍān comes to an end, it is as if they have been set free and thus return to their bad condition. Ramadan does not benefit this type of person because his intention is to return, once Ramaḍān is over, to how he was before; engaging in sins, wrongdoing, amusement and negligence. The month of Ramaḍān does not benefited this type of person because obedience to Allah is not required temporarily. It is not for a specific period which then comes to an end, No! Obedience to Allah is an ongoing requirement.
Allah ﷻ said: “Worship Allah until certainty comes to you”. [Q 15:99] meaning death. Therefore, the deeds of a Muslim does not cease until his death. The Prophet ﷺ said: “When a person dies, his deeds cease except for three: ongoing charity, knowledge which is benefited from and a righteous child who supplicates for him”.
My dear brothers, it is a must that we honour what Allah made sacred. “Whoever honours what Allah ﷻ made sacred, that is better for him with his Lord”. [Q 22:30]“Whoever honours the symbols of Allah then indeed that is from the piety of the heart” [Q 22:32]. It is a must that we honour what Allah made sacred, in Ramaḍān and in other than Ramaḍān.