This is a question, he says (the questioner), from a Muslim community living in the West. The questioner says: We bought a building with the intention to change it in to a masjid. We bought it with a loan of £100,000, taken from the Muslim community, and we haven’t opened the masjid yet.
His question: If we are unable to pay off this loan, is it permissible to close down the masjid after we have completed its set up and began establishing the prayer therein? And what is your advice for us?
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān:
No. The masjid is not to be closed down. However, you are to seek (financial help) from the Muslims. You are to seek aid from the Muslims. And the Muslims, if Allah wills, will not let you down. Seek help from the good-doers and the tradesmen (businessmen) and they will not fall short in this, in the affair of the masjid.