07 Sep 2016

The Ruling Concerning Suicide Missions – Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymin

The Questioner: Noble Shaykh, we hear in some of the places of jihād from those who advocate for certain operations related to jihād some of which are referred to asRead more..

07 Sep 2016

What is your Opinion on Suicide Bombing in Palestine? – Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymin

Questioner: In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy. May Allāh bless you Shaykh. What do you say about suicide operations in Palestine? Are those who doRead more..

07 Sep 2016

How to Deal With The Repentance of an Innovator and When to Consider Him Truthful? – Shaykh Rabi al-Madkhali

Questioner: O’ Shaykh, the questioner asks: A man fell into innovation and caused dissension amongst the ranks of the salafīs, and the brothers have remained patient with him for yearsRead more..

07 Sep 2016

Those who Defend Abul-Hasan are Treated like the People of Innovation – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul

Questioner: What is the correct position on the one who defends Abūl-Ḥasan [al-Marʿibī]? Shaykh Muḥammad Bazmūl: The correct position towards the one who defends Abūl-Ḥasan is the same position towards theRead more..

07 Sep 2016

Is al-Jarh wa al-Ta’dil Based Upon Scholarly Interpretations? – Shaykh Rabi ibn Hadi al-Madkhali

Question: Are the Issues of al–Jarḥ wa al-Taʿdīl (criticism and praise) ijtihādīyah (based upon scholarly interpretation)? And how do we respond to the one who claims this, and says: ‘I’mRead more..

07 Sep 2016

Answering the Doubt: “We Don’t Call Uthman an Innovator, but we say the First Adhan is an Innovation” – Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan

Questioner: Esteemed Shaykh, one of the du’āt (callers) says, “We do not declare ʿUthmān an innovator – but we say that the first ʼadhān on the day of Jumu’ah isRead more..

07 Sep 2016

They Defend the People of Innovation Because Some Scholars Have Praised Them or Have not Refuted them – Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi’

Questioner: Some people reject the speech of one of the scholars of the Sunnah who criticise some of the innovators, and their excuse is that the one who is beingRead more..

07 Sep 2016

If both Praise and Disparagement are Made Upon a Man, Which One is Given Precedence? – Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi’i

Questioner: If both praise and disparagement are made upon a man, which one is given precedence? Shaykh Muqbil bin Hādī al-Wādiʿī: If both praise and disparagement are made upon aRead more..

07 Sep 2016

Islam Prohibits Bombing the Lands of the Muslims and Non-Muslims – Shaykh Zayd ibn Muhammad al-Madkhali

Questioner: What is the Islamic position regarding bombings in non-Muslim countries that are carried out by individuals associated with Islam? We hope for some elaboration. Shaykh Zayd ibn Muḥammad al-MadkhalīRead more..

07 Sep 2016

Refuting the One Who Errs is a Prophetic Methodology – Shaykh Salih al-Fawzan

Questioner: Is refuting the people of desires, an aspect from the methodology of the Prophet ﷺ or was it brought about by those who want to split-up the people andRead more..