07 Feb 2018
Is There An American Base In Saudi Arabia? – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner: There is a deceptive argument presented by the Khawārij. They say, why are there American military camps in Saudi Arabia and it is from these camps that they launchRead more..
07 Feb 2018
Walking Out Of The Friday Prayer If The Sermoniser Badmouths The Rulers And Scholars – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool
Questioner: If I am at the masjid on Friday while the sermoniser is badmouthing the scholars of the Sunnah and the rulers, am I permitted to leave the masjid? Shaykh MuḥammadRead more..
07 Feb 2018
Is Wearing The Thobe And The Shimagh In The West Considered Dressing To Attract Attention? – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner: Is wearing the thobe (long Arabic shirt) and the shimāgh (head dress) considered dressing to attract attention? Shaykh Muḥammad Bāzmūl: Yes, it is considered dressing to attract attention. WearingRead more..
01 Feb 2018
Ruling on Removing the Face Veil Due to Social Difficulties – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner: What is the verdict on removing the niqāb in foreign countries because it creates some difficulties for some of the women over here. What is your verdict, may AllāhRead more..
16 Jan 2018
How to Dissociate Yourself from Khawarij (ISIS, al-Qaeda etc) – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool
Questioner May Allāh treat you well, how does a Muslim dissociate himself from the acts of the Khawārij in the West? Shaykh Muḥammad Bāzamūl: As long as a Muslim conformsRead more..
15 Jan 2018
The Criteria That Determine Whether The Religion Can Be Openly Declared – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner The second question, may Allāh be kind to you: What are the criteria that determine whether the religion can be openly declared and practised in the lands of unbelief?Read more..
15 Jan 2018
The Ruling on Taking a Loan out for University – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner Is it permissible for a person who wants to study at university in the West to take out a loan for this purpose? Shaykh Muḥammad Bāzamūl: Yes, a MuslimRead more..
07 Dec 2017
The Ruling on Bitcoins and Cryptocurrency – Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli
Question: What is the ruling on buying and selling cryptocurrencies that have recently appeared e.g. Bitcoin? Shaykh Sulaymān Salīmullāh ar-Ruḥāylī Cryptocurrency is a currency that belongs to individuals. It isRead more..
27 Nov 2017
The Ruling on Benefitting from Christmas and New Year’s Sales – Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli
Shaykh Sulaymān Salīmullāh ar-Ruḥāylī; There is no problem in a Muslim benefitting from the New Year’s sales because, in doing so, he is not celebrating the New Year nor isRead more..
31 Oct 2017
Mediums that Should be Used in Giving Da’wah in the West – Shaykh Sulayman Aba al-Khayl
Questioner: Which mediums do you advise us to employ in spreading the correct message of Islam in this country [Britain], for example: TV, newspapers and visiting schools? Shaykh SulaymānRead more..