19 Jul 2017
The Status of the Scholars and Students of Knowledge – Dr. Abdulilah Lahmami
In such troubled times, only those with true insight understand the great tribulations that we are living in. We are in a time of boasting and self-amazement. Tongues are swollen inRead more..
08 Jul 2017
An Explanation of The Ode of al-Bayquniyah in the Science of Hadith – Uways at-Tawil
The Science of ḥadīth is considered one of the most important and detailed sciences in the field of Islamic knowledge. The rules and precise principles that were laid down byRead more..
08 Jul 2017
Preparation for the Last Day – Uways at-Tawil
A powerful reminder by Islamic University of Madīnah graduate, Uways aṭ-Ṭawīl given after the tragic events at the Grenfell Tower in West London. May Allah ﷻ forgive our living and dead.
07 Jul 2017
Abu Idris Muhammad – Eid Sermon 2017
A very beneficial reminder given by Abū Idrīs Muḥammad in continuing to strive in good deeds.. A reminder to all that even though Ramaḍān came to an end, the LordRead more..
15 Nov 2016
Selected Narrations from the Sunan of Ibn Majah – Uways at-Tawil
Sunan Ibn Mājah is a lexicon of Prophetic narrations gathered by Ibn Mājah, Abū ʿAbdillāh Muḥammad ibn Yazīd al-Qazwīnī, Qazvin being a city in present-day Iran. It is said that “Mājah” is a Persian nickname ofRead more..