15 Feb 2018
The First Thing to Call to – Shaykh Sulayman Abul-Khayl
Questioner: Should we start our call by freeing ourselves from Dā`ish, or by calling to Salafism as a whole and explaining it? Shaykh Sulaymān ibn Abdīllah Abul-Khayl: The answer toRead more..
15 Feb 2018
Speaking About Muslim Rulers of a Different Country – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner: Some say, ‘the leader of Saudi Arabia is not my ruler and therefore it is alright for me to speak ill of him.’ Shaykh Muḥammad Bāzmūl: That’s it then!Read more..
15 Feb 2018
Advise For a Sister Who Suffers From Obsessions – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner: What advice do you have for a sister who suffers from obsessions regarding her sisters and companions, may Allāh bless you? Shaykh Muḥammad Bāzmūl: There are a number ofRead more..
08 Feb 2018
Recommend Books on Refuting the Christians – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool
Questioner: Over here in the UK we are allowed to do da’wah, meaning that we set up a table outside the station and invite the non-Muslims by giving out leaflets.Read more..
08 Feb 2018
Is Mockery Of The Religion Considered Blatant Disbelief? – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool
Questioner Is mockery of aspects of the religion clear-cut unbelief? Shaykh Muḥammad Bāzmūl Yes, mockery of aspects of the religion is greater unbelief, and it is clear-cut unbelief because Allāh,Read more..
08 Feb 2018
Advice To The One Who Has Been Cut Off By Their Mother – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner My mother cut me off and I have tried time and time again to speak to her but she refuses to meet me. What advice do you have forRead more..
08 Feb 2018
Is It Permitted To Work In Jobs With Mixed-gender Environments In The West? – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner: Is it permitted to work in jobs with mixed-gender environments in the West? With the knowledge that it is difficult to find work that does not involve mixing betweenRead more..
07 Feb 2018
Is There An American Base In Saudi Arabia? – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner: There is a deceptive argument presented by the Khawārij. They say, why are there American military camps in Saudi Arabia and it is from these camps that they launchRead more..
07 Feb 2018
Response to the claim “Jesus is Allāh because Allah created him from his spirit” – Shaykh Muhammad Bazul
Questioner: May Allāh treat you well, how do we respond to the Christians when they say “Isā is Allāh because Allāh created him from his spirit (ruh)?” Shaykh Muḥammad Bāzmūl:Read more..
07 Feb 2018
How Is The Qur’an Preserved If It Has Variant Readings – Shaykh Muhammad Bazmul
Questioner: Some Christians and Orientalists say that the Qur’ān has not been preserved against alteration, you have variant readings. What is your answer to this fallacy, may Allāh bless you?Read more..